Monday, June 17, 2013

First Post!

Welcome to the new blog! I decided to create this new blog after I realized, #1. I haven't blogged since December 2011 and #2. My last blog was all about my old job where I traveled every week and the things and places I got to see while traveling. Now I am nestled in my desk job, have been relocated back to Atlanta for over a year, and am in a much better place in life, both job wise AND personally. I have been dating my boyfriend, JR, for almost 10 months and we just recently moved into a new apartment together with our 8 1/2 month old lab-mix pup Dow. I never would have imagined being where I am in life at this moment even just 1 year ago, but I have never been so happy and in love and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! 

With the new apartment, combining his/her things, as well as being in our mid-twenties and living paycheck to paycheck has been a crazy process of getting organized and decorating on a low budget full of compromises and a LOT of cleaning out and giving away old items we both struggled to let go of. But with the help of family, friends, and of course Pinterest, our new home is slowly coming together!

This is such an exciting time in our lives so what better way to keep track of the memories we are creating than to write them down?! My hopes are that this Blog will not only serve as a window into our daily crazy lives and adventures, but also a way for me to share my fun DIY projects I create along the way! Feel free to share you own comments and suggestions as well! :) ENJOY!